For the view at the end of the tunnel
Video Guard protects tunnel construction sites from theft and vandalism An efficient infrastructure requires a large number of engineering structures. There are more than 270 federal highway tunnels in Germany. Their construction and operation are among the most...
Building bridges takes shape
Video Guard camera towers secure construction progress on new landmark Cross the Rhine-Herne Canal once and the Emscher twice: This is possible with the “Jump over the Emscher” at the water cross in Castrop-Rauxel. The impressive bridge, which is currently...
Kritis in camera focus
Video surveillance for critical infrastructure Hospitals or energy and water supply facilities: they are part of the critical infrastructure. Current crises are leading to a growing awareness of the need to protect it. Video surveillance is therefore used in many...
Little helper for safety
Video Guard Compact: Flexible Überwachungslösung bei begrenztem Platz Kaum zugängliche Bereiche und geringer Platz: Nicht immer sind die Voraussetzungen gegeben, einen Video Guard-Kameraturm aufzustellen. Damit auch diese Flächen effektiv gesichert werden, haben die...