Video Guard ensures smooth construction process
An important milestone was reached in mid-February with the topping-out ceremony for the daycare center in Much. The construction progress is promising and the new rooms should be ready for occupancy at the end of June. In order to meet this deadline, a smooth construction process is essential. This is also ensured by the modern, video-based surveillance system “Video Guard”.
After the topping-out ceremony comes the completion: from the middle of the year, up to 80 children will be cared for in the new daycare center in Much on a floor space of 740 square meters. The entire property in the Gippenstein-West development area covers an area of just under 2,000 square meters. In order to reliably protect this extensive area from theft and vandalism, professional precautions are essential to guarantee rapid construction progress until the end of the project. Those responsible therefore opted for a Video Guard tower with high-performance cameras. The system protects the construction site consistently and reliably against unwanted incidents such as theft and vandalism. The video technology deters potential criminals even before the actual crime is committed: they are addressed at 120 decibels via the loudspeakers integrated into the tower. If this does not lead to a withdrawal, the staffed alarm center organizes an intervention – for example by the local police. With this integrated security concept, materials and equipment can be stored in the defined guarded area on the construction site outside of working hours without any concerns.