Video Guard convinces
Satisfied customers are the best praise – and the people at Video Guard know that. The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is regularly calculated against this background. It indicates the extent to which users would recommend video surveillance to others. The latest survey gives cause for celebration: the NPS has increased further in recent months.
Protection against theft and vandalism, uncomplicated contact with the staffed alarm center and fast installation: Video Guard impresses its customers with this package. And more and more of them would recommend the system to others. This is the result of the customer satisfaction analysis that the provider of Video Guard regularly carries out. A significant increase has been achieved here in recent months. “The reason for this is certainly that we not only offer robust hardware, intelligent software and an alarm center, but also live the corresponding service concept,” explains Jörn Windler, President Smart Surveillance at AddSecure and Managing Director of International Security GmbH. Nevertheless, the reliability of the mobile video surveillance system is an important component. It uses neural networks to perform self-learning video analysis – and thus automatically detects unauthorized persons in the guarded area. These are reported immediately to the staff at the alarm center. You can address intruders via loudspeakers integrated into the camera tower and also initiate further steps – up to and including notifying the local police. Video Guard thus makes a significant contribution to securing valuables, machines and materials – whether on construction sites, storage areas or at car dealerships